Friday, November 08, 2013

Daily Odds & Sods 8 November 2013

Here is where I'll be posting snippets of stuff I'd like to share.

Some posts you may not like, others may even offend.  If so, I'm not going to apologise.

Yesterday, Twitter was floated on the NYSE, so this item seems relevant in some ways.

And this little gem I sum up in one word: mateship.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

As I was saying . . . .

 . . . . before I stopped blogging several years ago, this blog is to keep family and friends, and other remotely interested parties, reasonably up to date with what is going on in my peripatetic life.

So I am now reviving it and will do my best to keep it updated, maybe even interesting, for some readers.  What this blog will NOT be, is a continuing version of the type of annual Christmas letter that tries to convey the facade that each and every year has been blessed, fantastic and full of achievements.

It will also not be a Facebook type of journal.  I reduced the number of 'Friends' drastically a few years ago, I now use it solely to keep tabs on what my offspring, grandchildren and a handful of other family/friends are up to.

This blog is being compiled on Blogger and I will attempt to integrate it with Google+.  I will also try to share photos and other snippets on this blog site and/or Google+.

HEALTH WARNING: I am pretty sure some readers may find some of my posts, material and links objectionable or even distasteful from a political, societal, religious, moral, humour or other basis.  If you find this so, just stop reading my blog.  If I want to convey something to or about you on a personal basis, I will do so by email, if I can be bothered.

If I enjoy this comeback, I may migrate to another blogging software at a later date.