Monday, December 11, 2006

Meet the Grandparents . . . .

. . . and the Parents, but most of all, meet Sophie Louise Goodair!

After a difficult 36 hours, Sophie arrived at 0305 on 11 December 2006. She's GORGEOUS and has already melted all our hearts.

The first photo of her, nestling in her Ouma's arms, was taken about an hour after her arrival. She had still be cleaned up properly, but Dad Ian will be giving her her first bath later today (required for all new Dads now, at least for those that bother to turn up in Blairite Britain).

One of the modern curses is the digital camera, so like any other proud grandparents, we are assembling a portfolio of photos of Sophie at an alarming rate. Here are a couple more, more will be posted on my Picasa web site later and I will be send out notification later.

The assembled cast in the above photo, from the left: Nan Rita (Ian's Mum), Mum Cathy, Ouma Gill, Dad Ian, and the star of the show. This experience has been especially poignant as Ian's Dad, Brian, passed away in July, but he too was overjoyed at the news of Cathy's pregnancy when he was told in April. I will be making sure Sophie will know all about Brian, a fellow Spurs fan, and a great bloke.

The new Goodair family above , just increased by 50% in 36 hours!
Despite Patricia Hewitt, who is apparently the Secretary for Health, the NHS registrar, midwife and staff were great, the technology worked and there was a bed available.
More later, cheers for now.
Roger J

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